928-337-7630 |
520-432-9502 or 9503 |
928-526-2735 |
928-425-3231 x 8767 |
928-428-0410 |
928-865-4762 |
928-669-6141 |
602-273-1411 |
928-757-0910 |
928-524-4780 |
520-798-0600 |
520-868-6415 |
520-375-8002 |
928-771-3321 |
928-373-1093 |
602-464-6346 |
Facilities covered by Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) requirements must submit an Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Form to the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), and the local fire department annually. Facilities provide either a Tier I or Tier II form. Most States require the Tier II form. Some states have specific requirements in addition to the federal Tier II requirements.